Amaryl Glimepiride


The drug Amaryl is taken in the complex therapy of diabetes. It is available in the form of tablets with a dosage of the main substance 2 mm, 3 mg, 4 mg, 6 mm. It is used to treat type 2 diabetes, which is treated without the administration of insulin. Shown to be highly effective in conjunction with dietary intake, exercise, and weight loss.

What is and how does Amaryl work?

Amaryl is a hypoglycemic drug that is taken orally. The drug works by making the pancreatic beta-cell and increasing insulin secretion. It increases the amount of insulin and improves its uptake by the cells.

What is generic glimepiride for? The drug is used to reduce the amount of glucose in the blood.  It is suitable for the treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes only. After taking it, the maximum concentration of the drug in the blood is reached in 2.5 hours.

Glimepiride generic is contraindicated in such cases:

- Individual intolerance to individual components;

- Severe impairment of liver and kidney function;

- insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus;

- diabetic coma, ketoacidosis.

Don’t take simultaneously with sulfonylurea derivatives and sulfonamide drugs.

How to take Amaril?

Treatment with the drug begins with a dose of 1 mm - ½ tablet of 2 mg. If this amount of the drug is sufficient to maintain sugar levels within normal limits, then use this regimen for further therapy. If the initial dose is not enough to obtain the desired indicators, it is worth increasing to 2, 3, 4 mg. The maximum allowable dose per day is 6 mg.

What is better Metformin or Amaril?

It is worth starting Glimepiride generic treatment if metformin is not enough to maintain normal blood sugar levels. Start concomitant therapy with the initial dose. If Amaril's action is not enough, insulin therapy should be started. In some cases, it may be possible to switch from insulin to Amaril. Only a doctor can decide on the prescription of the drug, after blood and urine tests, determination of glucose levels.

At what time of day is it best to take Amaril?

The drug should be taken in the morning before or during breakfast. If the patient does not eat breakfast, then before or during the main meal. Take the tablet whole, without chewing. The whole tablet should not be chewed or swallowed with water. If you miss a dose, you can not take a double dose.

How do I cope with low blood sugar due to Amaryl?

If hypoglycemia occurs, you need to take sugar, preferably in the form of glucose, which is given intravenously or orally. A sharp decrease in glucose levels leads to confusion, visual disturbances, dizziness. If not acted on in time, hypoglycemia can lead to a coma. If a life-threatening dose of the drug is taken, it is detoxified by gastric lavage and administration of activated charcoal. After stabilization, blood glucose levels should be monitored for 24 hours to rule out the recurrence of hypoglycemia.

Quantity in a package
2 mg 30 Tabs, 4 mg 30 Tabs, Generic 2 mg 30 Tabs, Generic 4 mg 30 Tabs
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