Contumax Polyethylenegly Pvo. 255 g


It would be perfect in the event that you advise your specialist before taking any prescription. Nonexclusive Name:polyethyleneglycol 3350 INDICATIONS Treatment discontinuous or interminable blockage that meet one or a more prominent measure of the going hand in hand with Rome II criteria for utilitarian check: Less than 3 robust releases in seven days with common sustenance affirmation. Effort to poo by more than 25% of strong releases. Region of hard stool, ties, (fecaliths) by more than 25% of poos. Vibe of divided takeoff in more than 25% of poops. Impression of anorectal piece in more than 25% of strong releases. Prerequisite for manual systems to support takeoff at 25% of the time. Contumax ® holds water in the stool giving a smooth and extending the repeat of crap

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