Minidim Desmopressin Spray 2.5 ml


Desmopresina nasal is used to treat central cranial diabetes insipidus, and increased thirst and urination caused by head surgery or head trauma. Desmopresina nasal is also used to treat hemophilia A or von Willebrand's disease Type I.

Desmopresina nasal may also be used for other purposes not listed in Desmopresina guide. Overdose symptoms may include headache, confusion, drowsiness, rapid weight gain, or urination problems.

Desmopressin is normally used to treat medical conditions such as frequent night time urination and to control increased thirst and loss of water that is associated with diabetes insipidus (or water diabetes). It may be taken as a tablet/pill, an injection, or a nasal spray medication.

Some nootropic users will take Desmopressin without a prescription because it can produce significant gains in memory and information retention. However, this usage may lead to negative side effects and the drug has not been approved as a cognitive enhancement product.

Please consult your doctor before to take any medication.

          Desmopresina nasal is used to treat central cranial diabetes insipidus, and increased thirst and urination caused by head surgery or head trauma. Desmopresina nasal is also used to treat hemophilia A or von Willebrand's disease Type I. Desmopresina nasal may also be used for other purposes not listed in Desmopresina guide. Overdose symptoms may include headache, confusion, drowsiness, rapid weight gain, or urination problems.
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