Zantac Ranitidine

rn On the off chance that its not without a doubt inconvenience advise your specialist before taking any drug. Insipid Name: ranitidine (ra NI ti deen), Ulgastrin Brand Names: (Spanish name, Azantac), Zantac, Zantac 150, Zantac 300, Zantac 300 Geldose, Zantac 75, Zantac Efferdose, Zantac Geldose What is ranitidine? Ranitidine is in a social occasion of meds called histamine-2 blockers. Ranitidine satisfies desires by decreasing the measure of destructive your stomach produces. Ranitidine is used to treat and dodge ulcers in the stomach and guts. It similarly treats conditions in which the stomach conveys a considerable measure of destructive, for instance, Zollinger-Ellison issue. Ranitidine in like manner treats gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and diverse conditions in which destructive moves down from the stomach into the throat, bringing on heartburn. Ranitidine may moreover be used for conditions other than those recorded in this solution helper.

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