Ceclor Cefaclor


Bacterial infections are successfully treated by antibiotics. Ceclor is a cephalosporin-type generic that kills bacteria and prevents their buildup in the human organism. The antibiotic is notable for its powerful effect against viral infections, seasonal bacteria-driven diseases, and other illnesses affecting internal parts of the body.

The Ceclor generic is available in oral form (tablets, capsules, or suspension). The dosage depends on the run of the disease and the cephalosporin content. It is recommended to consult a healthcare specialist before Ceclor intake. Note that out-usage and underuse of the generic lead to the low-level efficiency of antibiotic-driven treatment.

Indications for Use and Dosage

Ceclor is prescribed by doctors to treat patients’ bacterial infections. Among them are viral and seasonal diseases caused by bacteria (cold, flu, etc.). Additionally, the generic is effective for the treatment of:

  • Ear (otitis) bacterial infections;

  • Urine and respiratory (bronchitis) infections;

  • Lung bacteria-driven illnesses (pneumonia);

  • Skin bacterial diseases.

There are four dosage forms for the Ceclor generic. The blister with pills contains 28 tablets of different cefaclor monohydrate content (350 mg or 750 mg). There is also a blister with capsules (500 mg). One more oral form to take into consideration is a suspension with the lowest content of the active ingredient (200 mg).

Depending on the oral dosage form, there are three intake plans to take into account:

  1. 1 capsule (500 mg) should be taken every 12 hours by the adult patient. The course can vary from 7-10 days to 14 days.

  2. 1 tablet (350 mg) should be taken every 8 hours by the adult patient. The course can vary from 7 up to 10-12 days.

  3. 1 tablet (750 mg) should be taken every 12-14 hours by the adult patient. The course lasts about 7-10 days.

Speaking about the Ceclor suspension, the dosage can vary according to the disease progression. The healthcare specialist prescribes the optimal dosage individually (according to the weight of the patient and other factors).

The typical dosage for children is about 350-700 mg of the Ceclor active ingredient (it’s about 20-40 mg of cefaclor monohydrate for 1 kg of the child’s weight). The daily dose can vary according to the doctor’s recommendations and be up to 1000 mg.

General Recommendations

The Ceclor generic name is one of the brand naming together with Raniclor and Cefaclor. This medication is prescribed by doctors. It is not recommended to use the antibiotic without a medical prescription. To avoid stomach upset, intake Ceclor after meals or while eating. A better effect is seen if the patient uses the generic at spaced times.

Follow the dosage recommendations and use the full-prescribed amount of Ceclor to do away with the bacterial infections. Stopping medication intake too early leads to disease progression. The unfinished course can cause bacteria growth and the illness comeback flowed around.

Quantity in a package
FA 12hr 750 mg 28 Tabs, Ped susp generic 250 mg 75 ml, Generic 500 mg 30 caps
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Ceclor Cefaclor