Buy Analgesic Medication Online - Mexico Pharmacy

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Buy Analgesic Medication Online - Mexico Pharmacy

MedicMex Offers Affordable Analgesic

Analgesics are a group of medications that are used to relieve pain associated with inflammation or damage to tissues and organs. Unlike anesthetics, analgesics act selectively. They reduce or eliminate pain without reducing the sensitivity of a particular area of the body. The RINZA® line contains one of the most widely used analgesics in modern medical practice – paracetamol. It has a complex effect: it helps relieve pain and relieve fever, which is often one of the first symptoms of flu and colds.

Types of analgesics

Narcotic. Such drugs are prescribed for extremely intense pain (patients with severe injuries, cancer, etc.), including to prevent pain shock. Narcotic analgesics affect the Central nervous system and are addictive.

Non-narcotic. These drugs are used for mild or moderate pain, which usually accompany inflammatory processes in the body. These drugs do not cause dependence, respiratory depression, or euphoria. Non-narcotic analgesics can also have an antipyretic and local anti-inflammatory effect. Depending on the chemical composition, the following groups of these analgesics are distinguished:

  •     salicylic acid derivatives (for example, acetylsalicylic acid);
  •     pyrazolone derivatives (for example, analgin);
  •     aniline derivatives (for example, paracetamol).


Features of non-narcotic analgesics

Analgesic Painkillers reduce the severity of pain and do not affect other structures of the nervous system. The mechanism of their action is based on reducing the excitability of the subcortical pain center, increasing the threshold of its pain sensitivity, and inhibiting the synthesis of prostaglandins — mediators of inflammation. Thanks to this multi-component action, non-narcotic analgesics have not only analgesic, but also anti-inflammatory, antipyretic effects.

Non-narcotic painkillers have a less pronounced analgesic effect in comparison with narcotic drugs. However, their action is sufficient to relieve dental, head, and muscle pain, which we often encounter. The main advantage of non-narcotic painkillers is the absence of drug dependence to them. It is due to these properties that non-narcotic analgesics are widely used in medicine.

The use of non-narcotic analgesics may be accompanied by the development of side effects:

Allergic reactions;

Ulcerogenic effect (ulceration of the gastric mucosa, duodenum);

Nephrotoxicity and hepatotoxicity.


The main contraindications to the use of medicines from this drug group are peptic ulcer, blood clotting disorders, liver and kidney failure, pregnancy, lactation.

Please note: in the annotation for many painkillers, manufacturers indicate that joint use with other analgesics is contraindicated. This is fraught with undesirable clinical effects.


Popular painkillers

The group of non-narcotic analgesics is represented by a wide variety of synthetic drugs.

There are the following non-narcotic analgesics depending on their origin:

  1. salicylic acid Derivatives: aspirin;
  2. aniline Derivatives: paracetamol, phenacetin;
  3. alkane acid Derivatives: ibuprofen, diclofenac sodium;
  4. pyrazolone Derivatives: butadion, analgin;
  5. Anthranilic acid Derivatives: mephenamic acid;
  6. other: piroxicam, dimexid.


In addition, many pharmaceutical products now offer combined medications, which include several drugs at once.



Before taking any analgesic medications, you should read the list of contraindications. These usually include individual hypersensitivity to the active component, certain liver and kidney pathologies, inflammatory and ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. A full list of contraindications can be found in the instructions for a specific drug. Before the use of any analgesic, you must consult with your doctor.


A lot of people experience back pain due to a lot of reasons and factors, such as pregnancy and bad posture. Working for lots of hours in a solitary position, without sufficient protection and back support adds to the pain suffered by an individual. If you are suffering from back pains, you can ease the pain by taking some medications. The most common medication that quickly eases the physical pain due to strained or stressed back is analgesics – which are proven to be formulated particularly for one function only, and that is to ease the pain. For people who are suffering from physical aches and are searching for the analgesics to ease the pain, Medicines Mexico offers the best and reasonably priced medications.

These days, there are several over-the-counter (OTC) analgesics in the market, but only offers prescribed analgesics. Acetaminophen and aspirin are only some of the analgesics for back pain that can be purchased without the prescription of a medical doctor. These over-the-counter drugs are usually purchased by people who regularly experience back pain. Analgesics that can be purchased only from Medicines Mexico are prescribed drugs including Danazol, Lisina, and Paracetamol. These kinds of medications will greatly ease the pain you are experiencing for a long period of time.

In addition to medications that need to be orally taken in order to ease the pain, there are also topical analgesics, which aren’t ingested. Instead, topical analgesics are directly applied to the part of the body where you feel the pain. Topical analgesics for back pain – which come in a variety of forms like salves, ointments and creams – are applied on your back’s affected areas.

It is recognized that generic analgesics are cheaper compared to branded medications and products. As soon as the patent on the prescribe medication has expired, manufacturers can obtain the formula and manufacture the medication. That indicates that you will benefit from huge savings, since a lot of manufacturers do not have to pay for the development drug costs that already have been developed.

Maybe you are already aware that you can purchase cheap and effective prescription drugs in Mexico. However, if you do not have the time and resources to go to Mexico or may you are worried with regard to the legality and safety of crossing the border just to purchase cheap analgesics, you don’t have to worry now since Medicines Mexico is an online pharmacy store.

The company is a legal, dependable and safe option for obtaining inexpensive prescription medications from Mexico compared to purchasing analgesics from local pharmacies. Whether you are living in or nearby Mexico or you are not, you can take advantage of low prices offered by MedicMex by ordering analgesics from this online pharmacy.

Once you order analgesic from MedicMex, your medications will surely arrive in good condition and on time. The company records every package in order to assure safe, fast delivery. Moreover, MedicMex is confident with regard to their timeframe once you order prescription analgesics.